44-year-old man diagnosed with incurable Stage IV prostate cancer due to physician's failure to order appropriate screening tests.
Jury awards 50-year-old Army veteran $13.5 Million for a failure to diagnose an arterial clot resulting in an above the knee amputation.
Premature infant suffered profound and permanent disabilities due to physicians’ failure to properly manage mother’s pre-gestational diabetes.
Infant suffered permanent physical and cognitive disabilities due to physician’s failure to properly manage labor and delivery.
Infant suffered permanent injuries due to physician’s failure to properly manage labor and delivery.
35-year-old woman suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to prescribe life-saving medication.
59-year-old woman suffered extensive injuries due to surgeon’s failure to effectively manage cardiothoracic surgery.
Infant suffered permanent injuries due to physician's failure to diagnose and treat condition.
41-year-old woman diagnosed with incurable Stage IV breast cancer due to physician’s failure to order appropriate screening tests.
52-year-old man suffered lower extremity amputation in commercial trucking accident.
54-year-old man suffered extensive injury due to hospital’s failure to diagnose and treat a stroke.
9-year-old boy suffered extensive injuries due to physician’s failure to diagnose condition and institute appropriate care and treatment plan.
48-year-old suffered premature death after being struck by a commercial vehicle.
For child who suffered permanently disabling injuries due to negligent medical care and treatment.
Jury Verdict on behalf of 40-year-old man who suffered traumatic brain injury and significant orthopedic injuries when driver pulled out in-front of him. Insurance company offered only $100,000 before trial. View coverage in the Syracuse Post- Standard.
46-year-old man suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose and treat colorectal cancer.
34-year-old man suffered extensive injuries due to physicians’ failure to properly monitor medical condition after being prescribed medications.
51-year-old woman suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose breast cancer.
For Child Injured by Negligent Medical Care
38-year-old man suffered extensive injuries in a motorcycle accident.
59-year-old man suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose prostate cancer.
Settlement reached during trial on behalf of 40-year-old-man who suffered significant disability as a result of a spinal surgery
54-year-old man suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose and treat prostate cancer.
66-year-old man suffered premature death when his car was struck head-on by a drunk driver.
72-year-old man diagnosed with incurable Stage IV prostate cancer due to physician’s failure to order timely screening tests
40-year-old woman suffered extensive nerve injury due to improper surgical positioning.
42-year-old man suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose and treat prostate cancer.
50-year-old woman suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose and treat rectal cancer.
Failure to diagnose a medical condition causing severe injuries.
Two-year-old child suffered profound physical and cognitive disabilities as a result of pediatrician’s repeated failure to diagnose a medical condition. The case settled while the jury was deliberating. No money was offered by the insurance company until jury began deliberating.
68-year-old man suffered premature death from cancer due to primary care physician’s failure to report abnormal findings on chest x-ray.
61-year old man suffered the loss of his left forearm and hand when an illegal firework bomb exploded.
53-year-old man developed colon cancer, and the cancer was not diagnosed until it had reached Stage IV. Our client suffered a premature death as a result of his physician’s failure to diagnose the cancer when there were treatment options available. In particular, the lawsuit alleged that our client’s primary care physician failed to recommend and order routine screening for the disease. Case settled immediately prior to the start of trial.
37-year-old woman diagnosed with late stage oral cancer due to dentist’s failure to investigate abnormal tongue lesion.
65-year-old woman suffered partial paralysis following lumbar spine injection.
22-year-old woman suffered severe orthopedic and nerve injuries due to physicians’ failure to timely diagnose medical condition.
50-year-old man suffered upper extremity injury due to surgical malpractice.
43-year-old woman suffered significant injuries following a physician’s failure to timely diagnose skin cancer.
55-year-old man suffered extensive injury due to physician’s failure to properly perform spine surgery.
59-year-old woman diagnosed incurable Stage IV lung cancer due to physician’s failure to order appropriate screening tests.
45-year-old mother was killed when another driver lost control of vehicle and crossed centerline in “road rage” incident with a third driver. Our client was an innocent driver in another lane of travel. The case settled for the maximum insurance coverage available. Driver was survived by her husband and young son.
42-year-old man suffered severely disabling spinal injuries after his car was struck by a negligent driver.
39-year-old woman suffered a significant orthopedic injury during what should have been a routine surgery. Her injuries significantly impacted her daily activities and ability to earn a living. No money was offered by the insurance company until all proof was entered at trial and the jury began its deliberation process.
52-year-old woman suffered from skin cancer that was not diagnosed in a timely manner by her primary care physician and misinterpreted by a pathologist. The lawsuit alleged that the defendants failed to order routine tests, and failed to properly interpret other test results, all of which led to the cancer being diagnosed as a Stage IV disease, after it was treatable. The case settled immediately prior to trial.
Young girl suffered significant physical and cognitive injuries as a result of hospital’s failure to timely diagnose a stroke and provide her the benefit of otherwise available treatments. Jury trial lasted two weeks, and no money was offered by the insurance company at any point before the verdict was rendered.
68-year-old man suffered through extensive otherwise unnecessary medical treatments due to primary care physician’s failure to timely diagnose prostate cancer.
53-year-old woman suffered significant disability as a result of a breast reconstructive surgery
50-year-old man lost his life following primary care physician’s failure to report abnormal test results following cardiac work-up.
49-year-old motorcyclist was struck by a car and suffered significant orthopedic injuries in the accident. He endured multiple surgeries and a prolonged admission to the hospital to recuperate. He also suffered significant out-of-pocket losses because his injuries prevented him from returning to work. The case settled before a lawsuit was filed
62-year-old man fell from a ladder because owner failed to protect him with construction site safety devices. He fractured both of his heels in the fall, and was left with significant permanent functional disabilities. His jury trial lasted two weeks, and the insurance company offered only $50,000 before the jury reached its verdict. View coverage in the Syracuse Post-Standard.
65-year-old man suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose colorectal cancer.
56-year-old woman suffered heart attack and premature death due to physician’s failure to advise her of abnormal EKG/ECG findings prior to an elective surgery.
77-year-old woman suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose lung cancer
62-year-old man suffered significant injuries due to surgeon’s failure to properly perform a hernia repair.
41-year-old woman suffered lower extremity injury due to orthopedic surgeon’s failure to timely diagnose and treat a post-operative infection.
62-year-old woman suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose lung cancer.
31-year-old man died in a car/motorcycle accident.
67-year-old man diagnosed incurable Stage IV prostate cancer due to physician’s failure to order appropriate screening tests.
66-year-old man suffered significant injuries due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose prostate cancer.
66-year-old man suffered through extensive otherwise unnecessary medical treatments due to primary care physician’s failure to timely diagnose prostate cancer.
44 year-old pick-up truck driver was rear-ended by another truck during the course of his employment. Both vehicles were totaled, and our client suffered neck and shoulder injuries. He endured multiple surgeries to repair his injuries. The case settled on the eve of trial.
52-year-old man suffered premature death due to primary care physician’s failure to properly interpret cardiac monitoring test results.
56-year-old man suffered premature death due to primary care physician's failure to timely diagnose lung cancer
Young girl suffered significant burn injuries. Extensive discovery was conducted with various responsible parties and eyewitnesses to the incident, ultimately resulting in the responsible party admitting it was at fault for the injuries our client suffered. The case settled on the eve of trial.
54-year-old woman suffered significant injuries due to surgeon's failure to insert a bladder mesh.
69-year-old man suffered significant injuries due to physician's failure to timely diagnose lung cancer
59-year-old man suffered premature death due to primary care physician’s failure to report abnormal chest CT findings.
78-year-old man suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose lung cancer.
37-year-old woman suffered premature death due to primary care physician’s failure to properly monitor chronic medications.
Rear-end accident in which our client suffered numerous orthopedic injuries. The at-fault driver was texting at time of the collision. Defendant initially denied responsibility for the accident, but after extensive discovery in the lawsuit, ultimately admitted liability, and offered a substantial amount to settle the case.
48 year-old-woman suffered an injury to a major nerve in her foot during surgery. The defendant-podiatrist failed to take steps to protect the nerve during the surgery. Our client was forced to undergo three corrective surgical procedures and she was left with a permanent disability. Her jury trial lasted two weeks, and the insurance company offered only $25,000 before the jury reached its verdict.
39-year-old woman suffered head injury in a motor vehicle accident.
68-year-old man diagnosed with incurable Stage IV prostate cancer due to urologist's failure to order appropriate screening tests.
73-year-old man suffered premature death due to radiologist’s failure to identify abnormal lung nodule on chest x-ray.
55-year old woman suffered significant injuries in a truck/motorcycle accident.
Child suffered extensive injuries when bit by dog.
54-year-old man suffered an injury due to a surgeon’s failure to timely diagnose and treat an underlying medical condition.
45-year-old man suffered extensive injury due to physician’s failure to properly perform spine surgery.
49-year old woman suffered premature death due to Emergency Department’s failure to diagnose and treat cerebral aneurysm.
66-year-old woman suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose lung cancer
58-year-old-man developed throat cancer which went undiagnosed by his medical providers despite symptoms for a period of time. His lawsuit alleged that he lost the benefit of treatment options as a result of the delayed diagnosis. The case settled on the eve of trial.
84-year-old woman suffered significant injuries following a physician’s failure to order routine colonoscopies
61-year-old woman suffered premature death as a result of physician's failure to diagnose and treat a heart attack
56-year-old man suffered premature death due to physician's failure to diagnose and treat pulmonary embolism
Doctor’s failure to diagnose abdominal condition and perform timely surgery led to premature death.
61-year-old man suffered significant injuries due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose lung cancer.
66-year-old pedestrian suffered lower-extremity orthopedic injuries when struck by a commercial vehicle.
55-year-old man suffered premature death due to primary care physician’s failure to timely diagnose and treat an underlying medical condition.
70-year-old man suffered significant injuries due to physician's failure to timely diagnose lung cancer
57-year-old woman suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose lung cancer
61-year-old man suffered significant injuries due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose prostate cancer.
40-year-old man suffered significant spinal injuries following a motor-vehicle accident
67-year-old woman suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose kidney cancer.
52-year-old man suffered permanent disability due to medical provider's failure to diagnose and treat a stroke.
65-year-old woman suffered significant injuries due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose colon cancer
15-year-old woman suffered psychological injury due to a physician’s failure to properly interpret tumor pathology.
69-year-old woman suffered premature death due to physician’s failure to timely diagnose lung cancer
74-year-old man suffered significant injuries due to physician’s failure to diagnose and treat lower leg ischemia following knee replacement surgery.
75-year-old man suffered premature death due to primary care physician’s failure to initiate appropriate treatments following presentation to urgent care facility.
86-year-old man died as a result of a fire caused by a defective kitchen appliance.
Woman suffered an injury due to an orthopedic surgeon’s failure to timely diagnose and treat an underlying condition.
Woman suffered orthopedic injuries in a motor vehicle accident.
64-year-old man suffered an injury due to a physician’s failure to timely diagnose and treat an underlying medical condition.
20-year-old man suffered injury to lower extremity due to orthopedic surgeon’s failure to timely diagnose and treat an underlying condition.
28-year-old woman suffered an injury during childbirth.
72-year-old pedestrian suffered head injury when struck by a car.
54-year-old woman suffered lower extremity injury in a motor vehicle accident.
84-year-old woman suffered lower extremity injury when struck by a car.
61-year-old woman suffered lower extremity injury due to primary care physician’s failure to diagnose and treat an underlying medical condition.